A planning for community development in Tagawa(2013-)
We consider the planning for community development in Tagawa-City and the future for Hikosan River in this project. The plan aims to consider biodiversity, culture, history, and dwellers’ feeling of the city and river.
From the middle of Meiji era to Showa 39th (1964), coal mining industry prospered in Tagawa-City. Now, the industry declined and the population in Tagawa-City has decreased. So, Tagawa-City has to think of new planning according with the situation of themself. Hikosan River is recognized as the valuable thing for dwellers. Around the river, we can see rich nature, life of people and culture. But, there is the fact that people don’t utilize the nature now.
This project is going to have not only administration but also dwellers participate in formulating the plan considering the situation of the city and river. So, we cooperate with dwellers, Ongagawa Office of River MLIT, Fukuoka-Prefecture, Tagawa-City and professor Hidemi Tashiro’s seminer’s member in this prject.
Keitaro ITO, Shinichiro AGENO(2013-2014), Takuya ITO(2013-2014), Yuta TANAKA(2013-2015), Ayako YAMASHITA(2013-2015),Keisuke KITAMURA(2014), Takahiro NAKAMATSU(2014-2015)
Ongagawa river office, Tagawa city, Tagawa Works Public Office, Fukuoka prefectual university, Civil Engineering & Eco-Technology Consultants